Interested in enjoying the best hot sauce in Central America while helping provide literacy resources and support for Belize youth? Well right now, it’s easier—and tastier—than ever!
Visit our Marie Sharps Fundraiser page for more information.
Delivering literacy programs in Canada and in developing nations.
Literacy Without Borders is a federally incorporated non-profit organization based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Our three main goals are to (1) develop global citizens, (2) foster lifelong literacy ambassadors, and (3) improve literacy levels for individuals and families.
Our current projects are focused mainly on developing literacy skills and strengthening community engagement in Belize City, Belize.
Check out this great video documenting our February 2020 Belize trip made by Laura Charrois, one of the wonderful rotaractors who joined us on the trip!
Playground Builds
Central to a child’s ability to learn is the stimulation of play. Children must be free to discover, to play and to enjoy outdoor activity. As Maria Montessori famously quoted, “Play is the Work of a Child.”
Libraries & Graded Readers
In many classrooms in South Belize City, students share standard textbooks at a ratio of two or three students to each book. There is limited or no access to books that children would find interesting.
LWB works directly with local partners to provide culturally and age-appropriate sets of graded readers for classroom libraries.
Computer Assisted Learning Software (CALS)
LWB is working with Restore Belize, Handy Tools Ltd. and Belize Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports (MOEYS) to fund sustainability studies for existing CALS programs and implementation of Scholastic LiteracyPro Assessment Software.
Rhymes That Bind
Rhymes That Bind (RTB) is an oral language development program that promotes positive parenting. Parents learn to enjoy rhymes, finger plays, songs and simple movement games with their infants and toddlers in a supportive peer group.
Sports Equipment
With the help and coordination of many of our local Edmonton and Belize City partners, LWB has gathered, distributed, and facilitated the delivery of sport equipment (including soccer uniforms, soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, baseballs equipement, and more) from Canada to Belize.
“Understanding the importance of literacy and an unwavering commitment to foster the kind of classroom environment that all children need in order to have the best opportunity for optimum learning and a head start to a rich and productive life will be the driving force behind the partnership between Rotary, Literacy Without Borders and the [Belize] Ministry of Education.”
— Dr. Carol Babb, Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport (Belize)